On sweet undeniable feeling of power of international intellectual feudalism, bias, discrimination, censoring and theft
The Heart, Vessels and Transplantation is an international, English language, double-blind peer-reviewed journal on adult and pediatric cardiovascular surgery and transplantation, cardiology and all relevant disciplines, including thoracic and abdominal surgery, vascular diseases, internal medicine, imaging, public health, and continuous medical education. It is an independent international journal and is published 4 times per year (March, June, September and December) in print and electronically (articles also are published ahead of print).
The Heart, Vessels and Transplantation Journal aims to publish the high-quality experimental and clinical research articles, reviews with critical analysis of contemporary evidence and directions for further research, rare interesting case reports on management of challenging clinical cases, brief reports, articles on description of innovative methods in medicine, editorials and letters to the editor discussing scientific or clinical findings in published articles, important scientific, clinical, healthcare and medical education issues, image with discussion, quiz articles, articles on history of diagnostic methods, interviews and news articles; articles of regional and international significance.
The target audience includes specialists in cardiovascular surgery and transplantation, cardiology, internal medicine and all relevant disciplines, physicians and residents in training.
The journal fully endorses international standards on editorial policy and publication ethics set by ICMJE, CSE, WAME and COPE.
The Heart, Vessels and Transplantation is the member of ICMJE, Crossref database, Crossref Similarity Check and is indexed in: SCOPUS, SCIMAGO, BIOSIS CLARIVATE, SCILIT, RSCI, EMBASE, REAXYS, EBSCO, Google Scholar, WorldCat, ROAD, NLM catalog, British Library, OPENAIRE, BASE, HINARI, Open Ukranian Citation Index, Mendeley-Elsevier, Dimensions and DOAJ databases.
Online manuscript submission system: www.hvt-journal.com/submission/login
Instructions for authors: Instructions for authors are published in each issue of the journal and website: www.hvt-journal.com
Ahead of print: All articles once accepted for publication after peer-review process are immediately available online before print version.
Permissions: Permissions to reproduce / republish any part of manuscripts, images and media are required to obtain from copyright holder - editorial office of the journal: info@hvt-journal.com, editor@hvt-journal.com.
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Environmental policies: The journal is printed on acid-free paper. The journal exercises the globally accepted environment protection policies.
Reprints and supplements: Requests from industry, organizations or individuals regarding reprints and supplements should be addressed to journal`s office: info@hvt-journal.com, editor@hvt-journal.com, phone: +996-312-88-10-42, +996-312-88-23-50
DOI: For resolution of doi issues visit www.doi.org/
Advertisements: Queries regarding placement of advertisements, artwork should be addressed to editorial office of the journal: info@hvt-journal.com, editor@hvt-journal.com, phone: +996-312-88-10-42, +996-312-88-23-50.
Subscription: Subscription covers 4 printed issues per year (The print version of journal - 250 samples per issue). The annual subscription rate is 800 som for 4 print issues for individuals and 3000 som for 4 print issues (minimum 5 samples) for organizations. The journal`s electronic content is free to access at www.hvt-journal.com. For further details contact journal office: info@hvt-journal.com, editor@hvt-journal.com. Phone: +996-312-88-10-42, +996-312-88-23-50.
Publisher and owner: The journal Heart, Vessels and Transplantation is supported by Center for Scientific Research and Development of Education (registered as an owner and publisher), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The printing of journal for each issue is done according to the agreements set by owner and printing organizations with the requirement not to distribute, copy the information that belongs by copyright to the journal. Publisher and owner contact:
Center for Scientific Research and Development of Education.
Togolok Moldo Str 3/1, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Email: info@hvt-journal.com, office@hvt-journal.com, editor@hvt-journal.com
Tel: +996312881042, +996312882350
The Heart, Vessels and Transplantation does not accept the article submission, processing or evaluating charges.
However we accept article publication charge after peer-review of manuscript is completed and it is accepted for publication. Publication charge which includes coverage for editing, correcting and preparing manuscript for publication, online publication and print publication - is maximum 500 US dollars.