Address for Correspondence: Ayan Abdrakhmanov, Department of Interventional Arrhythmology, National Research Cardiac Surgery Center Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, Email:
Correct answer: B
If you pay attention to the CS catheter, then early activation of the atria on CS 1-2 with respect to CS 9-10 attracts attention. MAPD was installed in the left anterior region of the mitral valve, with tachycardia, the phenomenon of “fusion” takes place, with earlier activation relative to CS (red line).
Ayan Abdrakhmanov, Zhandos Esilbayev
Department of Interventional Arrhythmology
National Research Cardiac Surgery Center
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Peer-review: Internal
Authorship: A.A. and Z.E. equally contrıbuted to preparation of quiz
Conflict of interest: None to declare
Acknowledgement and funding: None to declare