On sweet undeniable feeling of power of international intellectual feudalism, bias, discrimination, censoring and theft
His-bundle pacing (HBP) appears to be a viable stand-alone or adjunctive physiological pacing therapy in pacemaker dependent patients. It could also serve as an effective adjunct or alternative pacing therapy for heart failure patients who require cardiac resynchronization therapy or pacemaker upgrade. His-bundle pacing has demonstrated improvement of His-Purkinje conduction, left ventricular electrical / mechanical synchronization, and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) compared with right ventricle pacing.
In this review article we summarized the differential diagnosis of radiological signs of pneumonia associated with COVID-19 infection and emphasized learning points.
The case of a patient with repetitive syncope episodes with a history of using loperamide at high doses for recreational purposes in search of an effect similar to heroin, is reported. In the diagnostic approach with Holter monitoring, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation were evidenced. We also present the treatment of our case and review the literature.
This article discusses the easy way and steps to interpret an electrocardiogram (ECG). ECG is one of the hardest topics for medical students, young medical doctors, cardiac nurses and other health professionals, that is why this topic has been chosen in order to help them to understand how to interpret ECG easily.
We would like to open a discussion on this topic - how to teach young researcher the soft skills required for doing research, as well as how to combine the on-line and in-person formats in an optimal way.
The 4th Annual Scientific-Practical Conference on Mini-invasive and Innovative Cardiac Surgery devoted to the memory of Isa K. Akhunbaev was held between 19-22 June 2021, in Bishkek and Baet, Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan.